Dental VS Medical Insurance the Facts from Your Dentist in Midlothian

December 15, 2015

Woman smiling with dental insurance sign needs to visit her dentist in midlothianMany patients in the US report fearing the dentist because of drills or shots or sensitive gag reflexes, but the number one reason people gave for fearing the dentist was financial strain. This may come as a surprise, but a significant portion of people fear they will be unable to finance dental treatment. Rather than visit the dentist, they avoid treatment until their oral health is in an advanced state of decline. However, research shows that patients who maintain dental checkups and teeth cleanings every six months, actually spend significantly less on dental care than those who only visit when oral health concerns arise. Your dental insurance company knows this too. That’s why they structure coverage to encourage preventive care over reactive care.

Your Cleburne and Midlothian Children’s Dentist Knows Healthy Baby Teeth are Vital

September 17, 2015

Young girls smiling with healthy teeth thanks to the Midolothian children's dentistThere are a lot of myths in my profession. For example, a lot of people think that whiter teeth are necessarily healthier teeth — but that’s just not true. And one that really kills me is the myth that flossing just isn’t that important. But if you’re reading this blog post, you probably know that’s a big (dangerous) myth. Here’s a list of some more common dental myths. There is something that’s not on that list, though, and it’s a big misconception we hear all the time — so I’ll add it on here.

What You Need to Know about Dental Insurance

June 21, 2013

Many people have dental insurance, which is a great thing to have and helps make your dental care more affordable. However, dental insurance is not insurance in the same way as health or life insurance. It’s probably more accurately described as a dental benefit.

The problem is that not many people understand that dental insurance does not work in the same way as health insurance. Health insurance allows you to afford all of the medical care you need to ensure you remain in good health. Dental insurance is more accurately described as a supplement, and is not designed to cover all of your dental treatments or act as a decision maker.

The dental procedures that are covered by your dental insurance are not always what is best for your dental health. It’s important to not view your dental insurance as a hard and fast guide for your dental health. It is important that you visit a dentist that you trust to guide you in the right direction about your dental care.

Next time you’re at the dentist, think carefully about what your smile actually needs rather than just what is covered by your dental insurance. Many dentists offer payment plans or additional dental financing through other companies such as CareCredit, so there’s a way to make the dental treatments that are important for your oral health work with your budget.  Talk to your dentist to learn more and make sure you’re making the right decisions for your smile.